Eye drops with blueberries.

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3,33 $
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10 ml.
Ingredients: blueberries, honeysuckle, mint, etc.
Blueberries have an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect, promote the regulation of metabolism, improve night vision and the function of the visual apparatus: protects the eyes from fatigue, irritation and weakening of vision; improves adaptation of vision in the dark; strengthens the capillaries of the eyes; supports the organs of vision with essential nutrients - vitamins and trace elements; is a natural product and has a general strengthening effect. Due to the ability to reduce eye fatigue, blueberries are simply necessary for those whose work is associated with an increased load on the organs of vision. , increased loads (including during exams and sessions), etc.
Methods of application and doses: 1-2 drops 3-5 times a day for a week. If there is no result or worsening, stop using and consult a doctor.

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